The Heavenly 100 - Games 13-18
Woh this was a weird one. The opponent here created the account in late March and played 87 ranked games in the next two weeks though lots of those were 13*13 and 9*9. Play technique was like a new player but with fighting skill? Basically they attacked every stone as it was laid which I am obviously not used to. The issue is that their fighting skills outweighed mine and I rapidly went under. This is obviously something I need to work on as mentally it was quite a shock. I was probably around 50 points behind when he strangely resigned.
Well I shouldn't have the win in 13 so this game I faced a 'new' player whose only record was two wins against 3 dans in 2019. I later found he had been a KGS 1 Dan and then stopped playing and tended to log on and play drunk every now and then. This was a game where I had little chance so there's not a lot of import to cover. I did load it into AI sensei to see how long I managed to keep things even remotely even and it wasn't long. Move 21 and this board placement
now the AI would have been much more aggressive (surprise surprise) and instead of my nervous P19 went directly for the cut at Q14 leading to the following suggested moves.
Either way I prefer playing stronger players who wipe me out than weaker ones who do the same to as I learn something this way..
I am on one of those downward spirals which can be quite depressing. Todays game was against a previous opponent (from game 8) who I beat least time. Lost handily this time.
I was slightly ahead for most of the initial game until I made a mistake here
and even after that the game (according to AISensei was either players but was white on OGSs AI) until around move 186 where I missed a precursor to a successful attack that caused things to swing worse. Meh
The great 'slide' continued with Game 16. My opponent here was close to 10 kyu but had played around 586 ranked games since January 02! and had spent lots of time around 8 and 9 kyu. I was happy how the game started but rapidly started being outplayed. I did manage to use a pincer to let loose a successful invasion of a large white area (otherwise the loss would have been greater). So I drop back to 12 kyu finally after a brief enough visit to 11. What surprises me is my game understanding seems to have dropped. Though this could just be natural play structures in the wildness of DDK.
Anyway once again my opening was reasonable and I was slightly up by move 50 then progressively lost control of the game from there. Here I was intending to threaten the 5 stones but ended forcing them to attack my own group when I should have pressured the bottom as there was more space..
Move 173 I launched my pincer invasion which probably shouldn't have succeeded
at move 182 my oppo made a blunder and instead of sealing me in from the left and by 196 I was safely there.
and safety
His end game was better than mine though and he pulled things from around a white lead of 5 there to the end score.
I have a 'lesson' tonight with a go teacher so we will see if that helps or hinders..
God what a crappy Tuesday. I wanted to try and use some of the lessons learnt in my, erm, lesson but instead had these two games. The first was from a newish player who had only 7 games in a week but it rapidly became clear he was fairly effortlessly ripping me apart. I then asked if it was a new account and what level is he usually at and the response was 9kyu. I was already losing badly so resigned there.
I don't normally do more than 1 game 3 nights a week as continuous losses can affect my mental state and tilting after a bad loss is rarely a good idea. But I still wanted to practice and losing to a much stronger player is par for the course so I went for a second. After another 3 minutes wait though I had another new player. But this time a very new player. Equally nothing worth writing about. Mass attaches and random play.
Set Conclusion
I may be getting down. One of the big weaknesses to any ELO system that intends to produce an 'even' experience is that it is aiming to get out of (say 4 games)
1 easy win
1 big loss
2 hard fought that can go either way.
The problem there is that you tend to always lose 50% and if you get a few stronger players thrown in that goes higher (its what a 75% loss rate in the last 8 games) and it can get you down.
Meh. Let's hope I do better in the next eight....
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