実戦 (じっせん)Combat Series


Though I am still slowly running through my heavenly 100 games I want to start a second series now. One of my (oh so many) weaknesses is combat and fighting and to be brutally honest succeeding at any of it without luck. After some consideration I think part of the problem is specific practice and by this I mean I read a book, it has a good technique. I then look to use it and don't get a chance and by the time I might get a chance it might be loads of games later and I also might have read 40 other techniques from the same book at that point. Information overload basically. 

When learning you really need the repetition to force retention but you go is so varied that it is hard to force specific scenarios in game.

SO what I intend to do is to focus on eight to twelve techniques that I would 'like' to use and I want to have used at least 70% of them successfully before moving onto new techniques. This means blog updates in this series might be few and far between. If I do post it will be on a specific tactical situation and either how it was generated or variations within.

My first raft of techniques will be named here but the details will have to wait for their execution. Those highlighted in blue have successful practiced in a live game example and those in red just a failed example (this will be updated as I play games at least while the first combat series is in operation.

Star Point practices

The more 3 point variations I see the happier I will be with them so I want to use

一 the large knight defence WITH a cut capture
二 the double hane outside and inside defence
三 the extend out loose ladder cut capture
四 killing the corner if given the chance
    my own 3-3 invasion as I have to practice attack and defence!

On specific fighting techniques I will be working from James Davies excellent book Tesuji (often plagarised on line I think) and initially the following

    Loose Ladder
    Cross Cut
十一 Knights attack


二    2 space jump low defence
三    Standard ladder

Now some of these will be difficult - notably the slap/cross cut and nose and the 2 space low defence needs someone to play badly. The 3-3s should be easier as they are so common in play now. The issue here will be more people not playing the tesuji out or making mistakes. 

Anyway let's see how this learning technique goes and hopefully it might produce some useful DDK tactical examples...


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